Group Classes & Private Lessons
Start 'em early!
Music education as early as the toddler and pre-K age is great
because it is prime brain development time for possibly developing a sense of "perfect pitch."
We teach our kids their ABCs and colors at this age - why not teach them pitches and rhythm?
We encourage you to start your child as early as you and your child are ready!
Group Lessons
Ages 2-3
Length: 30 minutes
Learning the language of music (rhythm and pitch) are some of the first steps in learning how to play an instrument, including piano. Your child will learn how to keep a steady beat, to play basic rhythms, and to hear, sing, recognize, and play notes.
We will play with rhythm instruments, clap and use body percussion, and experiment with deskbells and xylophones to play simple songs.
This group will also incorporate movement and coloring activities and games that support the learning of notes, rhythms, and songs.
No previous experience required.
Ukulele Basics for Kids
Ages 5-12
Length: 50 minutes
Students will learn the fundamentals of ukulele in a supportive and fun group setting.
Why group? Research shows that kids are able to grasp matching pitch and rhythm more easily as beginners when in a group!
We will focus on ukulele strumming basics, rhythms, chords, and song structures.
Sliding-scale discounted classes available for families with household incomes <$100K.
Ages 4-5
Length: 45 minutes
Your child will learn the basics of music (rhythm, melody, note recognition) and learn to play them on several pitched instruments, starting with the deskbells, xylophones, and building up to the piano.
We will focus on learning correct posture and form at the piano, developing recognition of rhythms and notes, and learning how to study music and develop a practice routine.
The hope is that once your child finishes the prep classes, they will be ready to start private piano lessons (or join the group piano classes).
(Levels 1-5)
Ages 5-12 and 13-18
Length: 45-50 minutes
Students will learn the fundamentals of piano in a supportive and fun group setting.
Why group? Research shows that kids are able to grasp matching pitch and rhythm more easily as beginners when in a group!
We will focus on piano basics, recognition of rhythms, notes, chords, and song structure as well as sight-reading.
Offered at various levels, students will have opportunities to play various music literature (pop, broadway, R&B) and develop their ability to listen and play collaboratively with other musicians and singers.
Sliding-scale discounted classes available for families with household incomes <$100K.
Private Lessons
(limited availability)
Ages 5+
30 minutes for beginner
45 minutes for intermediate
60 minutes for advanced
Private piano lessons are the standard way most students learn piano. We encourage beginning students to start with group lessons and then when they have determined it is a good fit, to join private lessons if they would like.
WINTER 2024:
Monthly tuition rates
$220 / $275 / $330
Initial Trial Lesson Deposit: $50
(Quarterly, semi-annual, & annual package discounts available upon request)
For siblings or friends
60 minutes for 2 students
Great for families or friends who would like the special attention of private lessons but in a more affordable and fun way with a partner.
Monthly tuition rates:
$400 per pair
Initial trial deposit: $50/student
(Quarterly, semi-annual, & annual package discounts available upon request)
Ages 18+
45 minutes for lessons
60 minutes for classes
Would you like to learn how to play the piano, but never had an opportunity to when you were younger? Or did you take lessons before, but haven't played in a while? Or just want to improve your piano chops?
Adult lessons and classes will focus on adult students' "goal pieces" and teach technique and literature that will help students to achieve their goals.
Monthly tuition rates:
$220 / $275 / $330
$150 for group (min 3 students)
Initial Trial Lesson Deposit: $50
(Quarterly, semi-annual, & annual package discounts available upon request)
Newest Offerings
We are launching these in Spring & Summer 2023!
NEW for Summer & Winter 2023
Week-long piano camps (during winter, spring, and summer breaks) and themed piano workshops
$120-140 / multi-day camp
Filipino Roots
Tagalog+Music Classes
Continuing in 2023-2024
Kids will learn to sing and play Filipino/Tagalog folk songs on the deskbells, ukulele, piano, and rhythm instruments
$100 / 4-week session
Musical Theater
Sing-alongs, Classes, Camps, & Workshops
Coming in 2024
Opportunities to be involved with youth and adult musical theater productions: acting, singing, dancing, and playing
$150-300 for week-long camp
New Weekday Offerings for Tots!
Starting Spring 2023
Music Playdates
Ages 0-5
Certain weekend & weekday mornings - Check Current Schedule
Drop-in class on certain weekdays for music playdates as we play with the deskbells, piano, and other rhythm instruments.
Please register in advance.
$25 / session
Multi-session passes available!
Future Offerings
We hope to offer the following services in the near future!
Coming 2023-2024
Training the next generation of musical theater and church musicians through year-long training programs and apprenticeships
6-12 month training programs
By audition only
Coming Fall 2023
Opportunities for young musicians to "jam" with others, developing ability to collaborate and improvise
Friday Jam Sessions
Saturday Open Mics
Creativity Circles / Showcase Vendor Fairs
Coming Fall 2023
Gatherings of musicians and artists of all kinds to come together and showcase artwork, music, and creative endeavors
Once a month
on weekends
Mama Support Services
Toddler Mama Circles
Ms. Heidi is the mama of a 3 year old who was born during the pandemic. She hopes to create spaces that allow for mamas to connect around the struggles and joys of having a kid under 5 while also balancing a career.
With her Masters' degree background in Maternal & Child Health, she decided to become certified as a Peer Support Specialist and also train in Perinatal Mental Health Support. She hopes to create spaces of support for mamas.
Infertility Support Circles
Ms. Heidi struggled through 2 years of infertility and 5 rounds of treatments. She hopes to create spaces of support for those who have experienced infertility, or went through or are undergoing fertility treatments.
With her Masters' degree background in Maternal & Child Health, she decided to become certified as a Mental Health Peer Support Specialist and also train in Perinatal Mental Health Support. She hopes to create spaces of support for women who have experienced similar struggles.
Postpartum Support Circles
Ms. Heidi struggled with pregnancy complications, birth complications, postpartum hemorrhage, and postpartum mental health complications.
With her Masters' degree background in Maternal & Child Health, she decided to become certified as a Mental Health Peer Support Specialist and also train in Postpartum Mental Health Support. She hopes to create spaces of support for new mamas.
Contact us!
For group classes, email
For private lessons, email